Lawyer Life Is No Picnic
Notes to my (legal) self.
Notes to my (legal) self.
It's all about job security (or the lack thereof).
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
The escalating crisis of mental health in the legal profession calls for a holistic approach to enhancing work-life balance, curbing substance abuse, and managing stress, with a commitment to fostering a healthier, more sustainable work environment for lawyers.
No matter how well prepared you may be and are, anxiety is front and center.
Anxiety is one of the more treatable mental health issues but sadly, most people wait five or more years to seek help.
The struggle is real for members of the legal profession.
Facing growing caseloads and data volumes, law firms that rely on outdated case management tools risk falling behind. Discover how AI is transforming litigation processes and giving firms a competitive edge.
There’s an unstated attitude in our profession that if you experience anxiety, depression, or other stress-related challenges, it’s a character flaw.
Many lawyers seem to think that anxiety must be part of a law practice, as if there is no choice in the matter.
We can unlearn the anxiety reaction and replace it with a more helpful response.
In the meantime, go back out in the world and enjoy civilization!
LexisNexis’ ‘multi-doc’ feature for Automated Templates will add new efficiencies to your practice. Here’s how.
He's putting his life back together, 'optimistic despite it all,' and willing to share his wisdom with others.
Meditation can help to lessen the grip and identification you may have around anxiety.
Congratulations, law schools — you’ve officially broken your students’ spirits.
The bar exam is two weeks away -- so we'll keep this short and sweet, because you should be studying.
Struggling with procrastination? Here's advice on how you can stop doing that.